Wednesday, June 04, 2008

My boyfriend is in London and my roomate is in Bristol and I am in Leeds, remembering how much I dislike living alone. This flat is abundant with strange noises. I'm trying vainly to upload the photos off my old phone to my laptop so that I can migrate to my shiny spanking new phone that arrived today (at 7.30 am, cheers T Mobile.) Unfortunately technology, like a deadbeat divorcee parent, has a habit of making wonderful promises and utterly failing to live up to them, leaving sad eyed children in it's wake.

I need to do some serious tidying. My life, once again, is strewn around me in every available space. I need to get a train around two tomorrow. So I could either sleep now, get up early, try and enforce some kind of order on my chaotic surroundings but probably not get up until an hour before I need to leave - or, I could tidy now, not sleep until the sunrises and probably not get up until an hour before I need to leave.

The price of my return ticket just jumped up 45 QUID in the space of 5 minutes. The Uk rail system is a joke. It would probably be cheaper to fly.

I was going to write more but I'm going to go and weep into my pillow at the sheer irrational expense of getting ABSOLUTELY ANYWHERE IN BRITAIN.


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